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James Blake will take care of your sleep

Endel Sound brand, which creates personalized soundscapes, has entered into cooperation with British producer James Blak . The artist has prepared for the German company his own, extraordinary "sound landscape" called Wind Down, which is intended to aid falling asleep.

Blake 's soundscape is based on the latest scientific knowledge in the field of sleep and sleep mechanisms . It is a personalized musical composition complemented by minimalist video visualizations. The music work can be downloaded via the Endel application (available for iOS , Android , Apple Watch , Amazon Alexa and Apple TV ).

This amazing audiovisual experience is expected to activate the parasympathetic nervous system, bringing the body to a state of rest and preparing the mind for sleep. It is the latest addition to Endel Sound 's range of sleep and relaxation experiences, which already includes Grimes lullabies and a selection of soundscapes to help you fall asleep. Wind Down is designed to trace the path from wakefulness to sleep and is based on unique scientific data obtained from SleepScore Labs .

Two hours before going to bed and trying to fall asleep is very important to your overall rest. You have to forget about the whole day and switch to a different mental and physical state. To make this possible, we have included certain tones and scales in Wind Down that help activate the parasympathetic nervous system. The body usually does this naturally, but sometimes we need extra encouragement to achieve this
- says Oleg Stavitsky, CEO and co-founder of Endel Sound.

James Blake
James Blake / Photo. Critics Value
Meanwhile, James Blake adds:

"Wind Down" allows me to discover the more ambient side of my music and create a project that supports people in a new way. It's mesmerizing to hear my music blend in with the scientific sounds of Endel's AI, and I think we've created something not only beautiful or even meaningful, but truly practical.